What A Mistake

Bachelor Thesis
‍Red Dot Award Winner

In my bachelor thesis, I aimed to shed light on societal issues such as stigma, body dissatisfaction, and the relentless pursuit of perfection. My investigation delved into the concept of a prescribed standard of perfection and questioned whether imperfection might, in fact, be inherently perfect.

The project titled "What A Mistake" is designed to inspire individuals to embrace their less conventional traits and cast a positive spotlight on these unique qualities. I prioritized the direct inclusion of diverse opinions, emphasizing the importance of showcasing that everyone has the autonomy to define their own version of perfection. Utilizing the space provided by social media, often a source of self-doubt, was a significant aspect of my approach.

To gather insights, I conducted an anonymous online questionnaire, prompting respondents to reflect on the question: "Which flaws do you love about yourself?" The multitude of sincere and insightful responses became the basis for a poster series that I both illustrated and designed. Furthermore, my extensive research led to compelling suggestions on how individuals can leverage their idiosyncrasies rather than be disheartened by them, providing valuable insights for navigating the complexities of self-perception.

Photos: FH Joanneum